Board Vacancy

Syracuse City Arts Council (SCAC) has a vacant board position. Any Syracuse resident who is interested in this position and has participated with Syracuse City Arts Council for 6 months or more is invited to apply to become a Board Member. This participation with SCAC includes, but is not limited to volunteering on SCAC committees, SCAC production teams, or being a SCAC cast member.

Board Members serve as chairs of organizations or in leadership roles. Board Members may rotate assignments as needed. All Board
members attend Board meetings, which are regularly held the first
Wednesday of each month. Board positions are typically appointed to 4 year terms or may be appointed to finish an existing term, depending on the vacancy.

Send your questions regarding this Board position and your letters of interest to Please include in your letter of interest your qualifications, your contact information including address to verify you are a resident of Syracuse, and why you wish to serve in this position. Letters submitted by August 1 will be considered at the August 4, 2021 board meeting. Position open until filled.